It'd be nice to read something pleasant for a change . . .

Wouldn't you agree? Well, no worries; here, you don't have to worry about the problems of the world or the biases of a particular individual. The sentiments shared here are intended to appease to the majority of individuals - to please and be an enjoyable experience. If you are upset by something shared, feel free to comment and express, else your voice be unheard - and that is something we do not want happening!

Love you. <3

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Sometimes I try to stay away from whatever it is that makes the world cringe - whatever it is that takes away from the smiles and the laughter that we share, from the moments of honesty and joy that maintain our existence, our oh so very dreadfully pleasurable existences on this planet. Without tainting anything, without leaving an imprint or impression, it'd be impossible to make sure I would have completed any particular missions I would have put out for myself.

Thing is, there are just some things that are bigger than any of us.

There are so many things wrong in this world, so many things that need our dire attention, our dire focus that we would most likely rediscover our morals. But, truth is, and not to sound aggressive here or anything, but I don't think we're ready for anything that's outside of the box.

There's been a generational trend apparently: what's old to the prior generation becomes obsolete; what's new to present generation becomes old; what's obsolete to the next generation becomes new. It's less of a cycle, but it has elements of "history repeats itself." And, naturally, I have no concrete evidence to present to you, as if that would make the world of a difference - the point is that we all should be able to understand, to comprehend what it is we need to do, the next step in order for us to actually become ready.

Ignorance is just another form of disinterest. Hatred is another form of disinterest. Rejection is disinterest. Conspiracies reside within the minds of paranoia's nests and objections rely on arguments to become substantial.

We don't need to interfere with anything that's already on its progression. Or its transgression, if that's how you see the glass.

There are countries that have no rights, there are countries where families are dismembered from birth; even where there is freedom, veils are cast and bars are bolted to ensure "the people are cared for and safe." What's interesting is that we're all more than capable of holding our own, of being intelligent enough to watch out for one another.

Somehow, a nation in Europe is free of Student Debt; somehow, an entire country in North America is so scotch-free, so blissful that it stands its residencies with doors unlocked; somehow, there are states, provinces that hold gun-control regulations and the crime rates vary just as well as they would anywhere else in the world.

Somehow, all around the world, people fall in love.

It's not our choice of who we love. As in actual love and spend the rest of our lives with, willingly or unwillingly. We are not given our parents, we are not given our backgrounds - all the greater choices in our lives seem to be exactly that: choices. However, there are only so many variables we can dance along our way upon our path. Each individual on this planet has their purpose, and no matter how far they stray or how clouded their minds may get, the purpose still stands.

And if they do not solve it in their time allotted, another may come in their place.

The extinction of man isn't looking to happen any time soon. We have the tools to do it at our very own disposal. Forget about all of the bombs and bullets and weapons and violence out there in the world.

The single-most dangerous weapon known to mankind is the mind.

With the intent comes the method and procedure and focus.

If hatred is hosted, it will breed and further blossom, spreading out as far as it knows how.

If love is hosted, it will breed and further blossom, spreading out as far as it knows how.

I bless not only the people I know who read this regularly, but the people I don't know, the people I know who never read this, and the people who may have thoughts like my own or even the individuals who will stumble upon this so long as it lays present. I never have willingly and wholly instructed an individual to commit an act - or even from my own act - against anyone else that would permanently inflict them, intentionally or unintentionally.

If the world stays round and keeps spinning, we'll have another day gone and done. And if we worry about what we're supposed to stay true to, we'll make it in this world alright.

There is a rarity of people who don't listen to music. There is a rarity of people who do not interact with other people. There is a rarity of people who are incapable of actually opening their minds and stepping back to see the bigger picture.

Of seeing that the world around them is bigger than just them or one single idea.

That it's always ever been bigger than both you and me.

And that it'll always be that way.

Love is love.

Who you love has always been your own personal business, and whether you act on that love or not is far beyond anyone else's control. If you live in a place where there are regulations, it's only a matter of time before other people agree with you or disagree with you and their ideas form into something formidable: a voice.

What did it matter when education became important to everyone in order for people to become one? For the very same immigrants who landed in America to humble the plane of existence and permit the other immigrants whom they'd invited to do free labor for them or even the immigrants who'd come in, looking for a new life as they once had themselves. And even the very immigrants who had been here before anyone else had record of.

When did it matter who loved who and what kind of consequences came from that?

If it's wrong, the only way people will learn is by their own mistakes.

If it's right, then there's more than one solution to get "x" is all.

I'm not saying people should all but drop what they're doing and focus in and then clang their sword and shield and go to war. I've never advocated anything but level-head thinking, an open mind, an open heart, and a clear eye.

You've known me, whether you were aware of it or not. And I've learned something - if not an iota of knowledge then a miniscule measure of experience - from every single individual whom I've encountered. And if you haven't liked me as a person or friend or what have you, then that is something I do not need to work on nor is it something that you need to concern yourself with. Sometimes people don't fit well: there are so many pieces to the puzzle and not every piece can go everywhere.

But for the lucky batch, for the many people who I am honored to recall smiles and laughter with, once or many a time, I have given you no reason to hate me.

And if you do not hate me, you should not hate who I love, no matter their race, background, future, nor present. You cannot hate a person or thing you do not know. And if you hate love, then you hate the very thing that may as well have brought you into this world.

Lust, adoption, surrogate, or natural procreation - it's all the same. There is love in the nurturing and upbringing of a child. If not, then the child is unconditioned to survive and the withdrawal of compassion molds nothing but an empty shell with an unlit wick.

It's only a matter of time before there is a flame that enters. Soon thereafter, the wick will become alight with passion.

I know I talk in circles; I know I try to cover so much in so many words, but the bottom line is that no matter who you are or who you come from, if you plan on making it in this world, you're going to need a friend or two. And whetheryou know it or not, you've had friends in the past who have been heterosexual, homosexual, or anywhere in between. And it's nothing but your business to handle your own business.

But if you're to discriminate against those with a particular color of flesh or a certain set in mind then you might as well discriminate against those with flesh or those with a mind, for it is purely asinine for man to eat is own hand as it is to shove his own hand down another's mouth.

It's easier said than done - to love without hating, but if you just worry about yourself and never give anyone a reason to hurt you, lay all your cards on the table and wear them proudly, your time will come when you gain your medal and you can turn back to help the next person.

And trust me, that side of the reward will be much more satisfactory and healthy for all of us.

I hope you guys stay safe and sensible as always. There have been close calls in my life and I've lost a few hopes and gained a few more along the way, but there's always one thing I've known to be true:

If I'm to be true to you, I must be true to myself. In order to do that, I must do what I know best:

<3 ~ Monty.

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

let [ N O T H I N G ] - come BEFOREYOU; && forever seek what is true to you .

Song :: Halcyon - "Justly Effervescent" 

First thing's first:


How are you today?

Be honest.

How was your day?

What'd you do today? Had school? How were classes? Something interesting happen?

Or, on the other hand, no classes today? Fortunate. Did you get the rest you deserve?

Well, if anything didn't go the way you wanted it today, chipper up; there's another after this one. Make that one better, yeah?

Good. Now that we've got that done and out of the way, what's next on the agenda?


I missed writing. =] I really did. I've been so busy, as you could tell. And I'm sure you all are just as busy as I.

I was in my first college production. I meant to get around to the entry for that, but, y'know. Spring Break happened. It's underway, though. It wasn't a large cast, so the intricacies of each and every individual helped me learn what I'm pursuing for the first time on a college stage. Principles and supporting roles and ensemble members were all amazing and it was an honor to work with each and every one of you.

Left to right: Danielle Grosso; Igor Correa; Michael Sebesto; Darin Earl; Roberto Forerro; Kelsey Carroll
"E-Crew" [ missing Mark & Diana ]
What else happened? ICCAs [ which the amazing acapella group I'm in - 'Til Further Notes placed 2nd in Quarter-Finals and advanced to Semi-Finals] were a while back. After the show I got sick, so I muddled about to classes and tried to stay on top of my stuff and scamper atop the stuff I wasn't already on top of.

So, I'm home on Spring Break... After everyone else has already had their break or prior to the few remaining. I'm just happy to be home, for the most part. As anyone else, I've got my reasons here and there, but every time I come home, it's a reminder of why I have to keep on keeping on.

"You see? I have no more time in my day to do anything. But it's okay: I'm doing what I want, and that gives me all the freedom in the world."
- Anetta B. [ Mom ]
I have a feeling that the important things I'm missing haven't all whizzed right by me. In this rush to understand my first year out of the house and adjust, even as it's coming near an end surprisingly fast, I've been equipped with a lot more than I'm aware of. And, for this, I am grateful, much like my mother is whenever she steps foot into the house.

I was reminded of this when I came back home after picking her up from work earlier tonight.

"`Thank you, Father.`

My mother is a dedicated and practicing believer, so she's been rooted in her spiritual faith and upbringing. It was like a siren through the calm night how right she was to be grateful for a home to sleep in. I cannot say that I do anything less in my mind - I am grateful for the people I've met, for the people I interact with every day, and for the things I can smile about. Even the things that aren't intended with the objective of making me smile demand a smile from me.
- January 31, 2012 [ "Adore" by Paramore ]

It's crazy to believe that I've had this thing for over a year. And I'm still writing, as sparsely as it is in these days. But it's okay. Because, so long as I'm alive and able, I have no reason not to.

I've discovered a few things about myself in the absence of writing. My outlets are strictly what they are because they're functional; not because I'm any degree of closed-minded, but it's what I know how to do, and I feel most comfortable in "my element," so to speak. Music has become a very ordinary thing while I'm at school, because I'm surrounded with people who make it second-nature to them, something that has been similar with me. And the complex of competition has never stuck well in my conscience, so as they flaunt and rehearse, I merely make my ends meet and do what I need to.

Something I should have learned long before: "Make the things that are ordinary to everyone else extraordinary to you." I thought about that when I was searching for something to make my hair look decent after waking up before leaving the house. Funny how some idle thoughts are the most important of your day.

So, I've been writing longer than I can remember; stories, poems, letters, lyrics - the works. Recently, I resolved to have an intervention with myself and put what's important to me first. And I've had so many friends who are capable of so many things help me out in so many ways, but there's only one person who'd to exactly what I need the way I needed it, no matter how lazy they got - and that was myself.

I sat down and cranked out songs to compensate for my long leave of absence from the musical world. I've gotten critiques, comments, compliments, take-aways and suggestions. If you feel you should find some surfacing as well, feel free to share them.

Three covers [ one video which hasn't been uploaded yet, but should be in the side bar at the top of this entry when it is there ] and an original song.

The original song was not entirely my work. A friend of mine who I've learned a lot from and still am gave me a prayer to say. I'll recite it for you guys.

I'm praying that your house would be free of the heavyness,
that our heart would rest in all that is good
and that, the breath of your brother, the snore of your mother,
and the gravity that is being
wouldn't overtake you -
but would inspire you.
That the heavyness that is the gift of your heart
wouldn't leave you empty,
but would leave you at rest
in the already not yet of it all.
And that hum,
the spirit,
the good / bad, happy / sad,
would hold you like a mother
and kiss you like a father
and make you know that you are good.
After all, those were the first words
spoken over your creation:
'Darin, it is good.'
And, finally, I pray that hope,
Hope... will carry you to the heights of beauty, love, and life,
Even in your sleepy dreams.
Now you, thing that is beautiful,
Say 'Amen.'

And then I made the song for this entry - Halcyon - "Justly Effervescent".

It's like my first official original song, and although my mixing skills are reallyy... mediocre, I think I did a pretty good job. Hopefully you enjoy it.

And the lyrics to that try to mirror the message of the prayer but also including a few personal interpretations. I showed my friend the song, and absolute favor rained down on it. And then I shared it with friends and family, and they were supportive. So I need more insight - maybe from people without bias, people with a background in recording to tell me what I should and shouldn't do for the next song I write. Granted, I may or not take it into account, and I always have Erik to be a concrete and reliable buddy who'll steer me right from wrong.

"Justly Effervescent"
I pray that you might see
All that you can be [ and all that is good ]
Let nothing come before you,
And forever seek what is true to you.

For great heights stand
On the shoulders of man who can
Find what they search for,
While all else they adore.

Conquer the odds,
This I pray, the gift of your heart
Sets free your gods to find your

Within you lies good,
This I pray, the spirit of your heart
Sets you free as it should and give you

We've lost without losing,
Feeling guided when it's confusing [ and the answer isn't clear. ]
Goodness to hold like a mother
And kiss like a father.

To win without winning
Shows the world's still spinning
Even after death,
"I will give you rest."

What lay on the path ahead?
Is it for me to know?
Or do I just stay,
Choose a way to go?
"Let what may come or go."

Conquer the world,
This I pray, true to your life
Embodies a new "me" to tell of

It has been said,
This I wish, the world as one
To come together, free all binds that
Hold us back

And live.

- Darin F. Earl, II :: 1 / 13 / 13

Yeah. That was a journey.

But hopefully you'll check out some of the other recordings on that there website; covers and the works. If you have any suggestions or requests, feel free to contact me. And I hope things go swimmingly for you all.

Here's to a swift and convenient rest of the semester and a pleasant lifetime. I should probably get around to reading for my core classes.

Thanks for reading, as always. Blessings and good vibes.

<3 ~ Monty.