Is it me or is something off?
I've found myself staring up at the skies when I've a moment to myself. I've found it rather difficult to tear my eyes from the pavement before me when I walk - terribly arduous to leave my thoughts in their place and focus on what needs to be done.
I'm not certain what it is. I'm never truly certain of anything that I can not imagine or understand. I suppose that's another consistency of human nature.
Of course, other consistencies include dependency upon others, determination of independence, imperative impressions of individuals - the works.
I apologize sincerely for the lack of entries to those of you who read them. I've been really busy, as I'm sure anyone who knows me can tell you that I'm almost always on my feet. If I'm not moving, then I'm either unconscious or deceased.
And I did declare that I'd utilize every moment as best I could. Naturally, I've absentmindedly tried to keep true to that, but I'm less impulsive and more complying than I had anticipated myself to be: I love to have a concrete schedule that I'm familiar with and a regular regiment that I can follow rather than leap out at the chance to know the unknown.
Instead of catching up with myself, I just wanted to swing through, share what little insight was pawing at the walls of my mind. It'd be nice to know what your dear writer was up to, wouldn't it?
A very good friend of mine stayed up with me through the late hours of the night, sharing some of the wisdom I, according to him, have shared with him. As regular readers should be familiar with my best pal, Alex Quow, and for you people who are poorly deprived of the knowledge of his existence, feel free to scour the ends of this blog for the many times he is mentioned, is one of the many concrete pillars I lean on.
One of the many individuals who I naturally depend on, am determined to be independent for, and indeed an individual who has impressed me greatly, Alex told me something that I already knew.
But, sometimes, you just need to hear your own thoughts from another person - with or without their prior knowledge of your inner turmoil - to settle upon the notion that you're sane and stable. This makes you certain that you're not the only person in the world who believes whatever it is you were thinking, when you're very well aware that everyone is, has been, or will be your age, goes through similar experiences and arrives at better or worse standings, dependent upon their path in life.
From the wisest minds, thoughts are recycled.
I've a predestined designation for myself. Not only do I perceive that it's been arranged by higher tiers of power, but I am making certain that my path that I've set upon will not veer from or stray off that which leads to my very goal. Once I'm there, I anticipate I'll double back to help others and share the copious amounts of intelligence and wisdom and experience I may or may not ascertain. Whatever the case, I'll always be here, as will my words.
No matter the circumstance, there are larger priorities on my list that take precedence. And as much as I'd enjoy the small, brief indulgences, they have been allotted periods of time where I'm only permitted - by my very self and no other individual - to embrace. As of right now, I need to take the contraption Life has dumped in my arms and left with blueprints, schematics almost, entitled "
Simply put, I need to figure out what
this is.
Then I need to figure out what to do with it.
I've got ground I need to recover.
<3 ~ Monty.