It'd be nice to read something pleasant for a change . . .

Wouldn't you agree? Well, no worries; here, you don't have to worry about the problems of the world or the biases of a particular individual. The sentiments shared here are intended to appease to the majority of individuals - to please and be an enjoyable experience. If you are upset by something shared, feel free to comment and express, else your voice be unheard - and that is something we do not want happening!

Love you. <3

Sunday, December 25, 2011

t a k e . o f f - to a place i`ve never seen -- ; ~ away from who I USED TO [ b e ]

So many things to say. Always the case, yet, I still never truly can figure out what to say first. So, here we go.

It's Christmas time! Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to all of the other individuals celebrating other festivities. You ask someone about Christmas, and they'll tell you what they know about it. Ask another person, and they'll tell you something different, yet it's still the same. They've got carols to back their declarations up: of the sentiments, of the deliverance of a baby boy, of the glories they are grateful for - they are all pieces of the same puzzle. A melting pot that is missing so many more ingredients.

As of recent, I've been searching for a new taste in music, as should have been noted and mentioned in the previous entry. Granted, the choices I've already been listening to have a few secret pieces that they hide from me every now and then. One in particular, Oh Land's Helicopter is a prime example of this. It's simple, it's promising, much like the holiday season.

We'd gather around for one day and smile and share stories, laugh on one accord and share a meal at a table with people we most likely wouldn't see around in the same house if we lived together, all for the sake of the holiday season. There are the many controversies, as there are with just about anything, and yet it does not hinder the Christmas spirit.

The only concern I have with this is, while Christmas is such an indomitable ritual, why hasn't it permeated throughout the very essence of our lives? Every day, why don't we see rosy cheeks smiling, regardless of the season and its weather, why don't we see children holding their parents hands and them rushing to and fro, hurrying in smiling anticipation as they make their way to rendezvous with familiar faces?

Why can't the genuine sincerity of our hearts last for more than a day to a week and some change?

What are the holidays about to you?

A time to see your family - immediate and extended - who you'll admit you don't always get along with, an excuse to escape from the usual grind of your busy year, or a simple excuse to indulge in the guilty pleasures of purchasing and hording egocentric-driven compliments and courtesies for retrieving a material of potentially feigned affection? Are the holidays merely all about the presents you find under the tree, upon a table, or in your hands as you walk out the door?

I've gone through the liberty of making a little, interesting treat, based off the iconic "Twelve Days of Christmas" - of course, mine has to consist of a twist:
  1. Honor.
  2. Gratefulness.
  3. Honesty.
  4. Generosity.
  5. Permission.
  6. Reflection.
  7. Dedication.
  8. Patience.
  9. Wisdom.
  10. Compassion.
  11. Happiness.
  12. Celebration.
There - see? The Twelve Days of Christmas! Except, y'know, without porridge and apple trees or golden eggs laying hens, or however those silly songs go.

I want you to go through, count back on your calendar, spend about a good twelve minutes - math shows that's a minute per selection - to figure out how you exemplified the trait to the respective day. Christmas day being day twelve, and the preceding as day eleven. So, yeah, with that figured out, have at that. You can do it right now if you want, I won't be going anywhere. Haha.

Right, so, whether you did it or not, I want you to write down these days and the words for the days. If it's not too much trouble, I'd request that you make it so that you have space to write next to the words, as you'll be creating a list of your own words for the next twelve days. And, of course, if you could not think of anything that embodied the traits as presented [ just because you think it doesn't mean it's necessarily true, because you could not have been paying attention to it at all ] then simply act them out for the next twelve days. Not too complicated, right?

Hey, if you want, go right ahead and use the same list. Just make sure you write it down somewhere and tote it around with you. Duct tape, your finger, your dog's collar - wherever! If people know what you're exemplifying, they'll acknowledge it, and that's all we need. For people to know that it still exists and for people to not give up hope on the rest of mankind.

I may be speaking to a small audience here, but I believe that you all - dedicated reader or uninterested and non-reader - are more than capable. You've made it through each day and have smiled at least once, haven't you? Anything's possible, I say.

Oh, and if you didn't notice, I brought up hope again. I'll leave that one to you.

Happy holidays again! Hope you and all of your family, friends, loved ones, acquaintances, enemies, strangers, and influences are blessed and have a great season. Try to ensure that everyone around you has a great time, along with yourself, of course.

<3 ~ Monty.

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