It'd be nice to read something pleasant for a change . . .

Wouldn't you agree? Well, no worries; here, you don't have to worry about the problems of the world or the biases of a particular individual. The sentiments shared here are intended to appease to the majority of individuals - to please and be an enjoyable experience. If you are upset by something shared, feel free to comment and express, else your voice be unheard - and that is something we do not want happening!

Love you. <3

Friday, August 31, 2012

`` T h e y . j u s t . l e f t . t h e . w h i t e . . . p a p e r . ``

Andy McKee, who are you? I've never heard of you before, but apparently, Youtube says you're a pretty familiar guy about the site. Well, I can certainly see why. You're obviously too cool for words, so keep playing your song, and I'll just keep writing in your stead. Sound good?


This morning, I heard something awesome on the radio.

Lately, a lot of broadcasters and jockeys have been dropping like flies. Something short of oppression, my mother dubs. It's too sudden for retirement and they are merely spoken of or referenced, as though the individuals have been blacklisted and the remaining employees have been forbidden from speaking their names.

Which is definitely lame.

If anyone ever overthrew me from whatever I do for a living - even from this blog... Well...

I'd probably just start another one.


But the people on the radio were telling this awesome story. Normally, in the mornings, I block out everything with my music. However, this morning I was feeling remarkably lazy, so I just threw everything in my bag and went into the car.

A lady was driving around. She was eighty-something, the radio host said, and she was driving out on a parkway. They introduced the topic by mentioning a relatable instance of when you've put something atop a car and [ apparently were in a rush ] forgot whatever it was you placed there, getting into the car and driving?

That's only happened to me once, and I wasn't driving. It was only a box, so I mean, it wasn't that big of a deal, but I digress.

This lady had paper flying from her car's tail. And she was on a parkway.

A man behind her realized that the paper was money - like actual dollar bills. He pulled over, collected what he could, and then tracked the lady down. How he did this so efficiently is beyond me, but kudos to the man, his soul be blessed. Once he got the lady to pull over, he gave it to her or something, and then the host went on to share that the money was for a homeless shelter and that she was bringing it as a donation.

Let's not blame the lady for leaving the money on her car or anything, I'm sure there's a reasonable explanation as to why it escaped her, but the amazing thing about it was that, even with the guy having already done one deed, he couldn't make up the difference of the lump-some dollars on his own that she had lost.

So I guess they went along their merry ways, but the man was a construction worker. And what makes it even better was that he told his coworkers about the incident, and they passed around a hat or something and doled out some of their stash. They made up the difference, and it was delivered to the very charity that lady was taking it to.

That is cool. I'd like to meet the guy who did such an ordinary deed and ask him what was going on in his head. Just like I wanted to with that guy who gave the singing train man his sister's restaurant information for a free meal, routinely.

In places where people have been slipping up and stumbling onto their knees, others have been shaping up and reminding us that there is still the hidden compassion and selflessness circulating around.

So, today was my second-last-day-of-work for the summer. Did nothing that spectacular; a lot of students were testing out and doing examinations so they could go on about their business and start their careers officially. It's really awesome how they always seem really happy and my mom is genuinely proud of them and their success.

As much as she fusses and berates all of those who cop out, I know it's because she invests in their potential when they, themselves, have never even thought of it.

Interestingly enough, I've thought of teaching a few times myself. Naturally, I'd have to know what I was talking about, but I think I'd make an awesome teacher, don't you agree?

You better agree. I might actually just do it and then teach your child. Or grandchild. Or nephew / niece.

You never know.


But, speaking of students, the end of summer is here - finally happened for us over here in the Americas. Everyone's dreading and moaning and complaining about their workload, and I laugh - as I always do. It's nothing new, just the same old grind.

I wanted to share something also relating to school today, though. It was something I found on Tumblr - a glint of intellect that you rarely witness because of the flooding "feels" and "fandoms" which frolic about the site.

Here. Take a bit to read it.

An interesting suggestion: "Damn - lay off the bleach".


Wasn't that interesting? Once again, thanks to that teacher for embracing their fouled perceptions and turning them to a wider window.

I just... The gilded and absolute view of the world and its components we have are really, really wrong. If the world were to lose all of its advancements, all of its crutches, everything'd fall to chaos - anarchy.

People would fight one another for what was left, only to exact the expectation of selfishness being our own downfall.

Well, my mother - something of a source of wisdom for most wise individuals - always alerts me that I was born alone: alone and naked.

Not with anyone else, with nothing on me - no strand of clothing or pixel of technology on my body. Just me in all my great, naked, baby glory.

Morales and ethics. To a great degree, they're intangible, aren't they? They're, like... They're basically, in comparison, as important to our minds now as other people are to us - necessary only in duress and a luxury only in idle existence. But, what's more is that we're all different, and for the little girls of that class to state such things as someone being more beautiful than them in more than one way isn't merely an example of "whitewashing" - the term she used that is basically Hollywood's impression of perfection - but it is also a failure on our part as an entire being.

Another thing I found on tumblr was basically a family holding up two signs.

Here, let's see if I can find it.

Ahhhh. I can't find it.

The first sign said something about ceasing the cyclical and generational repetition of exercising hatred. The second said "And Learn to Love Again".

The family was Middle Eastern, on a bed, and was composed of a mother ( garbed in green, sitting up on the left ), a father ( garbed in brown and lounging on the right ), and a son ( wearing a lighter hue of green, in the middle beside the sign ). The son was probably no older than four, and they all looked remarkably elated and delighted with life.

All of your thoughts of the image are right.

I also wanted to pull up a reference from one of my older entries of when Alton Jameson swung into my high school for a school assembly. I'll grab the excerpt and include the link as well, in case you wanted to read that [ if you haven't already ].

YES! FOUND IT! [ You think I'd be better at knowing where I put my own entries, huh? Hahah ]

"Benjamin was really upset at his early-schooling teacher for instilling the discrimination within impressionable children; 'find what doesn't belong and strike it with an 'x'.' His converse, in a much calmer tone, was 'find what is different from the others... and put a smiley face next to it.'"

This was one of the many things that made me smile.
- From the entry April 17, 2012 - Karmin: "Remembered"

Yeahhhhhh. This quote made me happy. I think I'm going to reread that entry when I'm done with this.

But it's.. it's just strange. Our summers were spent either at our own interests or to the convenience of our families. We hung out with our crowd of people, with our friends and family who may have given us a lot of grief, but who never produced any earth-shattering dilemmas.

But... the concept of teachers revamping their own vocabularies and approaches to absolve discrimination within the classrooms might be a bit more feasible if we focused on it. I know for certain my younger brother's learning well, and the day I have other young ones who look up to me, I'll try and teach them the same things I've learned myself.

I think it's right, at the very least. And no one's told me I'm a "wrong person" yet, so I'll keep believing in what I hold true.

I've made promises to some people: a "Good Morning Text" roster; obligatory friend-finder program for another; some socializing amplifying here and there - all of it's just sharing love and having fun. Naturally, I'm going to focus on my studies and mingling all the same, but I'm just really honored that the grace of the world has been able to deliver me to such a standing. It's strange to conceptualize from the outside looking in, but I'm definitely... not in the right state of mind to try and delve any deeper. Hahah. I've tried making it settle in, tried convincing myself that it's realer than I'm allowing myself to believe - and, yet, my mind is merely processing it as it does everything else and isn't making a grand deal of going to college.

Which, personally, I believe is a beneficial thing.

This way the nerves are out of the way and there leaves more space for figuring out what our predecessors left behind and situate the ways in which we can amend them.

I say it all the time: you're beautiful as who you are and no one can do your job better than you. I read something on Tumblr the other week that essentially admitted it was... requested to be completely and wholly honest, rather than gild things and sugarcoat them. Even the superficial outlook of banking that the future was brighter, that there were other suffering and basically everything else I stand solidly upon was... unwanted and undesired at times.

"I just want you to tell me that everything's not okay - that way I know it's just that much more important."
- Miscellaneous Tumblr Post

This gathered a sideways look from me.

It does give news a realistic tone when I say that the roller coasters I've seen people on during the summer were brutally honest and abhorrently emotional.

But... Everything I am just needs to admit that there's always that possibility that things will get better.

The definite promise that, if I don't do something to better your circumstances, something or someone else will.

Because you were never meant to suffer.

You were meant to learn.

Good luck in the school year. You'll be hearing from me on Tuesday, definitely.

<3 ~ Monty.

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